Sunday, February 8, 2015

And so it begins..

     To anyone reading this I would like to both apologize and welcome you to my wine blog. I am by no means a superstar writer but here is a little about me, myself and my alcoholic preferences. I am allergic to hops which takes most beers off the table for me and instead of wallowing in sadness I felt this was a sign to push me towards hard ciders. Wine falls in the "safe" category for me but my wine drinking experiences are about as extensive as those of the average 3 year old.

     While that may have been a bit of an exaggeration, the only wines I have ever consumed I can only call "wine" because I found them in that aisle. A bottle of Andre here or slapping the bag there, all just desperate and cost effective attempts to get socially lubricated. I enjoy a crisp cider or the bite of spirits but the bitterness of a red wine is too much for me. I enjoy very light, very fruity white wines but not with any sort of consistency. I enrolled in this class as an attempt to elevate my taste buds and hopefully one day enjoy this drink.

     Wine is seen as a drink for the sophisticated, the educated, but I see it as a business tool. In many industries it is the dinners spent with clients that make or break business relationships. I feel like knowledge on this subject could be an impressive bonding agent in such situations.  In my mind, if I can not come out of this semester having broadened my horizons personally then maybe I will have at least gained some knowledge that can expand my professional life.